
Many years ago, the dream was born to rehabilitate Viana do Castelo, to give it a new life, a new direction... to bring people back to the centre who, like us, are passionate about this city. In January 2017, the dream had its first stone laid!

It's been seven years of hard work, but it's also been seven years in which we've delivered more than 80 units and seen new families move into the city centre.

When we say that we are rehabilitating and building with passion in our city, we say it with the will to rebuild not only buildings, but also lives, to rehabilitate a city as a whole, to bring to the centre the movement that belongs to it, with appropriate housing solutions that meet what you are looking for.

Without ever neglecting the identity of our ancestors, we bring old buildings back to life, preserving their exterior image and creating extremely high-quality, modern, sustainable and comfortable housing solutions that meet the demands of the 21st century.

Our concept for the historic centre is based on delivering turnkey homes, fully equipped and furnished, so that you can enjoy your new home without any additional worries. It's the smiles of happiness we see on our clients' faces every time we deliver another property that motivates us to continue rehabilitating our city with passion!

Attentive to the evolution of the city and its needs, we are also investing in the left bank of the River Lima and its development potential, and are starting to build various residential and industrial developments. This is a strategically located area, served by a new set of recently built roads that provide a direct link to Porto de Mar, the A28 motorway and Viana do Castelo city centre.

Missão, visão e valores


Trazer vida para o centro histórico da cidade de Viana do Castelo


A maior empresa de reabilitação urbana de Viana do Castelo


Confiança, Integridade, Experiência, Rigor, Profissionalismo, Compromisso

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