

The Reabilitar Viana Group develops and builds modern and innovative residential, commercial and industrial property projects in premium areas of the city of Viana do Castelo.

We have specific projects for those who invest and trust us, with rates of return above the market average, plus the future appreciation of the property.

We believe that the city of Viana do Castelo has differentiating factors that are unique and favourable to investment and the development of your business:

- the city's strategic location, as it is served by an excellent road network, with fast connections to Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport, the city of Braga, the city of Porto, Spain and other cities in just 40 minutes.

- The city has a strong foreign and national investment base, with the presence of several important industries in the wind renewable energy sector, maritime renewable energy (wave energy - ondomotriz), the car electrical components industry and the paper industry in the city's various industrial parks.
On the Atlantic coast, about 20 kilometres from Viana do Castelo, three wind turbines have been installed in a protected area, where more units of up to half a megawatt are planned (currently under international concession auction).
There is interest from several multinationals in setting up several factories, and they are just waiting for the legal procedures to be completed to make the land available.

This whole industry will create highly technological clusters, attracting specialised labour for their technical and managerial staff, where hundreds of jobs are expected to be created, which will boost the real estate market.

The Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, a leading national higher education organisation, will be offering new degrees in the ocean sector, thus attracting more students to our city.

The property market is expected to increase in value due to the high demand for residential and industrial property; investing at this stage is a safe move.

If you still have doubts, come and feel our innovative and entrepreneurial spirit and achieve success with us.

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